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Umbria Perugia Spoleto S. Maria Assunta, Cathedral, this is my Italy, the italian country of visual history, Exterior views facade 12th century with details of the rose window, blind gallery, classicizing architectural sculpture, portal with jambs of inhabited vinescroll, campanile with reused relief fragments 7th-8th centuries, and painting of Christ Blessing flanked by St. John and Virgin Mary 1207. Interior views pavement in geometric patterns apse frescoes by Fra Fillipo Lippi 1469 with scenes from the Nativity fresco of the Pieta by Pinturicchio in the Cappella Eroli 1497 frescoes in the Cappella del'Assunta of Saints Jerome, Michael and Lucy, and ceiling frescoes of Noah, Adam and Melchisedek paintings, cruicifixes, marbles busts of the Cardinal Eroli and Lippi in the Cappella delle Reliquie marble statues of Kings David and Solomon in the baroque Cappella della SS. Icone 14th and 15th century frescoes and a baroque frieze in the Cappella S. Anna and perhaps a marble statue by Bernini in the wood-panelled sacristy 16th century.Photo 1983. Reimagined by Gibon. Classic art with a modern twist