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Ozzy Osbourne and Kermit the Frog backstage in the gardens of Buckingham Palace for the second concert to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. * Some 12, 000 tickets were distributed by ballot for the Party at the Palace, and ten of thousands more gathered outside to enjoy the music. Later The Queen was lighting a beacon and watching a firework display. On Tuesday she will travel to the St Paul's for a service of thanksgiving. *22/09/02 Rock star Ozzy Osbourne who showed he can teach a thing or two to modern musical wildmen by topping a poll to be named rock's greatest hell-raiser. The former Black Sabbath singer famed for years of drink and drugs oblivion and fellow wrinkly rocker Mick Jagger were way ahead of contemporary stars. Osbourne, who has a new lease of life as the star of a hit MTV fly on the wall series, was named by nearly a third of those polled by Internet firm blueyonder as the greatest rock hell-raiser ever. 26/11/02 Osbourne and former Spice Girl Melanie C are the Britons with the worst teeth, according to a survey published. Pierce Brosnan and Liz Hurley are the Britons with the best teeth, the figures say.
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