. Die Schule des Herzens, oder, das Herz (von selbst weg von Gott) wieder zu ihm gebracht, und von ihm angewiesen: In siebenundvierzig Embleme. Hee go.Bitten, dann, dein gebluffter Retter zu transferHis fcourges zu dir, um dich ftir. Die 140 DIE SCHULE DES HERZENS.die Absicherung des Herzens. Hofea ii. 6./ wird deinen Weg mit Dornen verhecken. E P I G 45. /LT^i, dass der Dornen^ würde rofes sammeln^ kann^^ in seinem eigenen herzhaft, wenn die richtige Art und Weise behandelt.Herzen Hecke*d mit Chrijis Dornenkrone^ infteadOf dornigen Karesie wiUfweeteft rofes Rasse. ODE XLV. Eine Dornenkrone! Ich dachte fo: Zehn zu eins, A
1558 x 1603 px | 26,4 x 27,1 cm | 10,4 x 10,7 inches | 150dpi
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. The school of the heart, or, The heart (of itself gone away from God) brought back again to Him, and instructed by Him : in forty-seven emblems . hee go.Beg, then, thy bleffed Saviour to transferHis fcourges unto thee, to make thee ftir. The 140 THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART.The Hedging of the Heart. Hofea ii. 6./ will hedge up thy way with thorns. E p I G. 45. /LT^i that of thorns^ would gather rofes^ may^^ In his own hearty if handled the right way.Hearts hedge*d with Chrijis crown of thorns^ infteadOf thorny caresy wiUfweeteft rofes breed. ODE XLV. A crown of thorns! I thought fo: ten to one, A crown without a thorn, theres none:Theres none on earth, I mean ; what, fhall I, then. Rejoice to fee him crownd by men.By whom kings rule and reign ? Or fhall I fcorn And hate to fee earths curfe, a thorn, PrepoftVoufly preferred to crown thofe brows. From whence all blifs and glory flows ?Or (hall I both be clad.And alfo fad, To think it is a crown, and yet fo bad ? Theres caufe enough of both, I muft confefs : Yet, whats that unto me, unlefsI take a courfe his crown of thorns may be Made mine, transfcrrd from him to me ? 3 Crowns, Jin, / I-. SKPiATEis^Ti^^r Cordis Coroxa Spi:nk^. V>> rareat tiia .vptn^t Rn.vt.v; Ccr ronrr/rr armft , -fforft^ arcff , yhy/itj Ar/t.v 7)//n/rff/tt /errhf.ThtHKDGl.VG ofthellKARTviitha CUOAVIVof TlIORNS 7/urs J/ec(ffd. no Sat^a^f c<m ei/iproavA fJie F(y/r/. THE SCHOOL OF THE HEART. 141 Crowns, had they been of ftars, could add no more Glory, where there was all before;And thorns might fcratch hini, could not make himThan he was made, fm and a curfe. [worfc Come then, mine heart, take downThy Saviours crownOf thorns, and fee if thou canft make c thine own. 3- Remember, firft, thy Saviours head was crown*d By the fame hands that did him wound :They meant it not to honour, but to fcorn him.When in fuch fort they had betorn * him.Think earthly honours fuch, if they redound ;Never believe thev mind to dignifyThee, that thy Chrift would crucify.Thi