. Die Schule des Herzens: Oder, das Herz von sich selbst weg von Gott, wieder zu ihm gebracht, und von ihm unterwiesen. Mit dem Lernen des Herzens; und Hieroglyphen des Lebens des Menschen. . llent Lady, ich Stelle diese Verjüngungen unter die sichere Protektion Ihres ehrenwerten Namens, wo, ich vermute, sie stehen sicher vor den Dämpfen der Unwissenheit, und Blasten der Mißtrauenskandale. Es ist ein kleiner Teil jenes Überflusses, den mein dankbares Herz eurer unsterblichen Güte zudankt. Freut euch, sie mit eurer Annahme zu ehren, die nichts sein wird, als was eure eigene Wertschätzung sie machen wird. Madam, Eure Dame
1411 x 1771 px | 23,9 x 30 cm | 9,4 x 11,8 inches | 150dpi
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. The school of the heart : or, The heart of itself gone away from God, brought back again to Him; and instructed by Him. With The learning of the heart; and Hieroglyphics of the life of man. . llent Lady, I present these tapers to bum under the safe pro-tection of your honourable name; where, I presume, they stand secure from the damps of ignorance, andblasts of censure. It is a small part of that abundantservice which my thankful heart oweth to your incom-parable goodness. Be pleased to honour it with youracceptance, which shall be nothing but what your ownesteem shall make it. Madam, Your Ladyships Most humble servant, Fran. Quarles. TO THE READER. If you are satisfied with my Emblems, I here setbefore you a second service. It is an Egyptian dish, dressed on the English fashion. They, at their feasts, used to present a deaths-head at their second course:this will serve for both. You need not fear a surfeit:here is but little, and that light of digestion : if it butplease your palate, I question not your stomach. Fallto, and much good may it do you. Convivio addit Minerval, E. B.Rem, Regem, Regimen, Regionem, Religionem, Exornat, celebrat, laudat, honorat, amat. HIEROGLYPHICS.1.. Sine Lumine inane. How canst thou thus be useful to the sight ?^Vhat is the taper not endud with light ? PSALM LI. 5. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did mymother conceive me. AT AN is mans A, B, C. Theres none that canRead God aright, unless he first spell man : 206 HIEROGLYPHICS OP Man is the stairs, whereby his knowledge climbsTo his Creator, though it oftentimesStumbles for want of light, and sometimes tripsFor want of careful heed ; and sometimes slipsThrough unadvised haste ; and when at lengthHis weary steps have reachd the top, his strengthOft fails to stand ; his giddy brains turn round.And, Phaeton-like, falls headlong to the ground :These stairs are often dark, and full of dangerTo him, whom want of practice makes a strangerTo this blind way ; the lamp of nature lendsBut