Zwei Kanal schmalen Bootspass zwischen Schleusen 5 und 4 auf der Marple Flug Schleusen auf dem Peak Forest Kanal, eine geht bergab, eine kommt bergauf.
Cw 7227 Canal Boats between locks 5 and 4 on the Marple flight 23.6.2020. Two narrow boat’s pass on the Marple flight of Locks on the Peak Forest canal on Tuesday the 23rd of June 2020. The blue one is going down the lock flight, the other, working up the flight. After a very dry spring and problems with the reservoirs that feed water into this canal the Canal and River Trust who look after and maintain the majority of the canals in England and Wales have taken steps to conserve water. On the 28th of April 2020 this lock flight along with Bossley locks on the nearby Macclesfield canal where locked up to prevent boats using them as part of the effort to conserve water. This means that in effect the canal was closed to boat navigation. However to allow some boat movement the CRT created a window of opportunity to use the Marple locks for 2 days on Thursday the 18th and Tuesday the 23rd of June, before the locks are locked up again until reopening in July. The Bossley locks were open on the Tuesday the 16th and Thursday the 25th of June. The boat crews where assisted through the flight by volunteer lock keepers who also helped to control water levels. There are 16 locks in this flight that carry the canal down from the town of Marple towards Manchester, E-mail Phone no 07931 356204 Image Cw 7227 copyright Colin Wareing of Colin and Carole’s Creations
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