www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book... . ASTED NUTHATCH der Rotbrustnuthatch ist in der Region GreatLakes wandernd und führt die Sommermonate von Northern!RIaine nach Southern Manitoba, von dort nach Norden in die Fachwerkregion Kanadas. In den Alleghanies und im Westen der Vereinigten Staaten haben sie gelegentlich in den Bergregionen auf einer Höhe gefunden, die unserem kanadischen cMmate entspricht. Sie überwintern aus etwa südlichem Brutbereich südlich. Es ist interessant zu beobachten, wie diese Aktuhr einen kleinen Hohlraum für einen Nistplatz baut, in der Regel in einem wh
1368 x 1827 px | 23,2 x 30,9 cm | 9,1 x 12,2 inches | 150dpi
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. www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/tags/book... . ASTED NUTHATCH The Red-breasted Nuthatch is migratory in the GreatLakes region, passing the summer months from northern!RIaine to southern Manitoba, thence northward into thetimbered region of Canada. In the Alleghanies and inwestern United States they have occasionally been foundbreeding in the mountainous regions at an altitude whichwould correspond to our Canadian cMmate. They winterfrom about southern breeding range south. It is interesting to watch this nuthatch constructing alittle cavity for a nesting site, usually in a white birch orpoplar stub. Mr. jNIanly Hardy, who studied the habits ofthis bird in Maine, writes that in making the entrance tothe nesting cavity proper the birds perforate the bark in acircle with smaller holes and then take out the center piece.A strange fact concerning the nests found by JMr. Hardyand others is that the bark at the entrance is coated withfir balsam or pitch from an inch to four inches around the ^1^5 ^ 330 RKD BREASTED NUTHATCH.73 Life-size.. BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH. (Sitta pusilla) Life-size. CREEPERS 489 hole. In one instance the pitch extended down for twenty-one inches and was stuck full of the red breast feathers ofthe nuthatches. The nesting cavities are about four inchesin depth. Four to six white eggs, thickly spotted with reddish-brow^n, are laid on a little nest of fine grass. THE BROWN-HEADED NUTHATCH* The nuthatches, like the woodpeckers, are climbers, but, unlike the latter, they climb downward as well as upwardand with equal facility. Their tails are very short, and arenot used for support. Their bodies also do not touch thetree unless they are suddenly affrighted, when they crouchand look, with their beaks extended, much like a knot witha broken twig to it. A sudden clapping of the hands ora sharply spoken word will often cause a nuthatch toassume this attitude. They are busy birds, yet thej^ areseldom too absorbed in their work of gathering food