Wirkung Die wichtigste Revolution in Teppich manu facture. Neben diesen gibt es verschiedene andere Vorrichtungen Aushärtung stottern Hinweis Obwohl es ist möglich, eine verbale Beschreibung, das eine geeignete Idee für Ihren Betrieb geben würde verdient. Herr Ward Exponate eine komplette Serie von seinem Signal Laternen, die vielleicht die einfachste und am Intelli vernachlässigbar System der Ozean Telegraphen noch nicht erfunden, und wir dürfen nicht versäumen, die Nähmaschinen, von denen ein halbes Dutzend stark an der Arbeit, an der sich aus dem Washoe Silver Mines gesehen werden kann, zu nennen. In diesem Fall sind zwei oder drei Proben gezeigt
Dieses Bild kann kleinere Mängel aufweisen, da es sich um ein historisches Bild oder ein Reportagebild handel
effect a most important revolution in carpet manu facture. Besides these there are various other contrivances curing stammering deserves notice though it is im possible to give any verbal description which would give an adequate idea of its operation. Mr. Ward exhibits a complete series of his signal lanterns which form perhaps the simplest and most intelli gible system of ocean telegraphs yet invented and we must not omit to mention the sewing machines of which half a dozen may be seen hard at work at which are from the Washoe silver mines. In this case are shown two or three samples of quartz said to be worth £2000 per tun. The arts of the States are represented by Kentze's fine statue of 'America' and a few pic.'.ures Which are all worthy of a position where they would attract more attention. Cropsey's Autumn on the Hudson' is a beautiful landscape. The pianos we understand have been highly praised by experts and the most remarkable novelty among them is a piano exhibited by Mr. Hulskamp in which by applying an extraordinary tension to the braces transmitting the vibration he obtains an unu sual volume of sound in a very small space. Mr. Hulskamp also exhibits violins to which the same principle is applied with the same results. Taking the American exhibition as a whole there is no de partment in which the exhibitors will reap more profit from their pains and perhaps that is as high praise ing them as the representatives of much more im portant pieces which would have been sent here un der a happier state of things. The chief merit of Straker's washing machine which stands close by the south-eastern entrance appears to be the ease with which it deals with large heavy pieces such as blankets and counterpanes. For hotels hospitals and such places it must be very valuable. Conroy's cork cutters which stands next are very neat in their operation. The man in charge simply puts down a square of cork on a small ledge and as the machine works two fingers are pushed out