Weltkrieg 2 Foto der Schlacht von Suomussalmi - die Finnen vernichten 2 russische Divisionen in ihrem größten Sieg des Krieges. Panzer und gepanzerte Autos liegen zerstört und im Schnee verlassen. Vom 8. Januar 1940, Finnland, Europa.
Dieses Bild kann kleinere Mängel aufweisen, da es sich um ein historisches Bild oder ein Reportagebild handel
From the book The First Year of War In Pictures, published by Odhams Press Ltd. The inscription for the photo follows " Battle of Suomussalmi. In an attempt to cut Finland's waistline and thereby separate the Finnish southern and northern armies, the Russians made two separate thrusts in the direction of the town of Suomussalmi, on Lake Kianta. The Finns had only one division on that front, and had at all costs to prevent the two enemy divisions from uniting. They split their forces in two, one section holding up the advance of the Russian 44th Division from the south, whilst the other fell on the Russian 163rd Division, to the north, and annihilated it after cutting its supply lines. The Finnish forces then reunited and fell upon the Russian 44th Division, winning the greatest victory of the war on the 8th January, (1940). The intense winter cold was their ally, and the Russian losses in men and material were enormous. More than a thousand prisoners were taken as well as immense quantities of war material, including tanks and armoured cars. The picture shows only a small part of the havoc wrought in their transport after the Russian resistance broke"
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