Vor kurzem patentierten Erfindungen. Verschiedenes. Geben Sie bitte den Namen des Patentinhabers Titel der Erfindung. und Datum dieses Papier. Geschäftliche und Persönliche will. sary die Nummer der Anfrage zu geben. NUNN & Co. Marinelron funktioniert. Chicago. Katalog kostenlos. Anfrage Nr. 4204.- Für die Hersteller der für den Aufbau einer Hälfte horse power Dynamo. Morgan Emery Räder. Box 517 Stroudsburg Pa. Anfrage Nr. 4200.- Für Adressen von Bergleuten und Schleifer von hochwertigen Phosphat rock. "C. S." Metall Politur. Indianapolis. Proben kostenlos. Anfrage Nr. 4907.- Für die Hersteller von Sun Flower Castor und andere
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RECENTLY PATENTED INVENTIONS. Miscellaneous. Please state the name of the patentee title of the invention. and date of this paper. Business and Personal Wants. sary to give the number of the Inquiry. NUNN & CO. Marinelron Works. Chicago. Catalogue free. Inquiry No. 4204.-For the manufacturers of the for building a one-half horse power dynamo. Morgan Emery wheels. Box 517 Stroudsburg Pa. Inquiry No. 4200.-For addresses of miners and grinders of high-grade phosphate rock. 'C. S.' Metal Polish. Indianapolis. Samples free. Inquiry No. 4907.-For manufacturers of sun flower castor and other vegetable oils. Blowers and exhausters. Exeter Machine Works Exeter N. H. inquiry No. 4208.-For makers of peanut butter and meal. Handle & Spoke Mchy. Ober Mfg. Co. 10 Bell St. Chagrin Falls 0. luqniry No. 4209.-P or makers of cordage and fabrics of sisal and other coarse vegetable fiber. Mechanics' Tools and materials. Net price catalogue. Geo. S. Comstock Mechanicsburg Pa. Inquiry No. 4210.-For manufacturers of house boats. Sawmill machinery and outfits manufactured by the Lane Mfg. Co Box 13 Montpelier Vt. glass battery jars for storage batteries. Let me sell your patent. I have buyers waiting. Charles A. Scott Granite Building Rochester N. Y. Inquiry No. 4212.-For makers of spring steel M inch in width. For Machine Tools of every description and for Ex perimental Work call upon Garvin's 149 Varick cor. Spring Streets N. Y. Inquiry No. 4213.-For makers of automatic electrical clocks for closing circuits having 24 figures on dial. Manufacturers of patent articles dies stamping tools light machinery. Quadriga Manufacturing Com pany 18 South Canal Street Chicago. meters and ammeters for battery circuits having a efficient and cheap. Fully guaranteed. C. F. Jenkins Co. 03 Harvard Street Washington D. C. Savings Boxes. 1852 to 1897 inclusive separate indexes. Make an offer. J. R. Powers 53 State Street. Boston Mass. ventors of vending machines. The largest manufacturer in the world of me