. Unter den Wasser-Geflügel : Beobachtung, Abenteuer, Fotografie : eine beliebte Erzählung über die Wasser-Geflügel, wie in den nördlichen und mittleren Staaten und unteren Kanada gefunden, östlich der Rocky Mountains. Ck in kleinen Parteien, und Promenade auf und ab Broadwav. Zwei von ihnen näherten sich ihren Nestern und kletterten unbeholfen auf sie. Theirpurpose war es, ihre Eier mehr perfekt zu bedecken, als in ihrer Eile, die sie getan hatten, als das Boot näherte. Sobald dies erreicht war, glitten sie oft ins Wasser und schoben sich ihren Gefährten wieder. Leider waren sie nicht ganz im Bereich der Kamera
1813 x 1378 px | 30,7 x 23,3 cm | 12,1 x 9,2 inches | 150dpi
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Dieses Bild kann kleinere Mängel aufweisen, da es sich um ein historisches Bild oder ein Reportagebild handel
. Among the water-fowl : observation, adventure, photography : a popular narrative account of the water-fowl as found in the northern and middle states and lower Canada, east of the Rocky Mountains . ck in small parties, and promenade up and down Broadwav. Two ot them approached their nests, and climbed up awkwardly upon them. Theirpurpose was to cover their eggs more perfectly thanin their haste they had done when the boat wasapproaching. As soon as this had been accom-plished, they slid oft into the water and rejoinedtheir companions. Unfortunately they were notquite in the range of the camera, so I lost a splendidchance for an interesting picture. I thought thatin the course of things they would all go back, buttime passed, and not another one did so. Finally Irowed over there and uncovered some ot the eggs, hoping that this would induce the owners to comeand cover them. 13 Among the Water-Fowl Though I did not succeed in this, the effort wasnot wholly in vain, for through it I learned thereason for this habit. This breeding colony ot theEared Grebes closely adjoined a far larger one ofthousands of the Franklins Rosy Gull. Hardly >x5W5^;f»^ TW-^^.i^^i^wjwwrX^J ^^i^^lSPT^^^^i^. A FRANKLIN S ROSY GULL EATING EGGS OF EAREU GREBE, ON EASTSIDE. THE OWNER WATCHING. had I returned to my anchorage, when a Gull alitupon one of the nests which I had uncovered, andproceeded to pierce the eggs with its bill and devourthe contents. I pulled the string and exposed aplate upon this interesting procedure. The picture 14 Thp: SujiMKRCiED Tknth shows the (jliU with its hill thrust down into anegg, and a single Cjrebe in the water just beyondwatching attentively what was probably the spolia-tion ot its home. Perhaps it was fear ot the camerathat prevented the naturally expected attack uponthe marauder. Another plate had then to be inserted, whichI tinally exposed when a party ot Grebes wereswimniing by, just in front of the nests. Thesewere the only two pictures secured in the gr