. Überlegungen über eine Aufhebung des Moratoriums und Rückgabe der Verwaltung bestimmter Meeressäugetiere zu Alaska: final Environmental Impact Statement/Interagency Task Group [der] US-Handelsministerium, nationalen ozeanischen und atmosphärischen Leitung, National Marine Fischerei Service [und] US-Innenministerium, Fisch und Wildlife Service. Meeressäuger Alaska. IDE-DEPARTEMENTS FÜR 1 Spiel 600 North Capitol Weg / Olympia, Washington 98504. Claude Betms, Seattle. Vorsitzender Glenn Galbratth. Vt'ellpinit Frank L. Cassidy. Jr. Vancouver ArthurS Sarg. Yakima Elizabeth W. Meadou
1499 x 1666 px | 25,4 x 28,2 cm | 10 x 11,1 inches | 150dpi
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. Consideration of a waiver of the moratorium and return of management of certain marine mammals to the State of Alaska : final environmental impact statement / Interagency Task Group [of] U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service [and] U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Marine mammals Alaska.. IDE PARTMENT OF1 GAME 600 North Capitol Way / Olympia, Washington 98504. Claude Betms, Seattle. Chairman Glenn Galbratth. Vt'ellpinit frank L. Cassidy. Jr.. Vancouver ArthurS Coffin. Yakima Elizabeth W. Meadoucrofl. Taco Archie U. Milts. Wenatchee «pR 1 r.WS I Carl N. Crouse Directors / Ralph W. Larson Jack S. Wayland April 12, 1976 Mr. Sidney R. Galler Deputy Assistant Secretary For Environmental Affairs Department of Commerce Washington, D.C. 20230 Dear Mr. Galler: Your draft environmental impact statement—Consideration of a Waiver of the Moratorium and Return of Management of Certain Marine Mammals to the State of Alaska—was reviewed by our Game Management Division. Comments follow. We found your draft to be rather unique in approach. The analysis concentrates on species and socio-economic issues rather than the impact which this proposed administrative action would have on the total physical environment. We feel this type of approach is appropriate in this case. Your proposed waiver of moratorium and return of management of certain marine mammals to the State of Alaska is supported by our department. Thank you for sending your draft, helpful. We hope our comments will be Sincerely, THE DEPARTMENT OF.-GAME / 5. tzim^ Eugene S. Dziedzic, Asst. Chief Environmental Management Division ESD:cv cc: Reade Brown Agencies. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. United States. National Marine Fisheries Ser