. Über die Anatomie der Wirbeltiere [elektronische Ressource] . es, wie in der Opos-Summe. Die vorderen bigeminalen Körper, O, muchexceeceeceed die posterior in der Größe. Eine feebleand unterbrochene Anzeige des medilateralen Gehirns vonKhynchocyonlongitudinaler Fissur markiert die obere Oberflächeder Hemisphären. Diese sind viel anteriorly vertraglich. Die Aschortfissur wird dem Hippocampus auf der inneren Oberfläche der Hemisphäre hinzugefügt. Die Rhinencephala sind lang, groß und pyriform. Beim Igel (Erinaceus) ist die Ectorhinalspaltung in der oberen Ansicht des Gehirns durch die große relative Größe des Th sichtbar
1114 x 2242 px | 18,9 x 38 cm | 7,4 x 14,9 inches | 150dpi
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. On the anatomy of vertebrates [electronic resource] . es, as in the Opos-sum. The anterior bigeminal bodies, O, muchexceed the posterior ones in size. A feebleand interrupted indication of the medilateral Brain ofKhynchocyonlongitudinal fissure marks the upper surfaceof the hemispheres. These are much contracted anteriorly. Ashort callosal fissure is added to the hippocampal one on theinner surface of the hemisphere. The rhinencephala are long, large, and pyriform. In the Hedgehog (Erinaceus) the ectorhinalfissure is apparent in the upper view of the brain through thegreat relative size of the crura rhinencephali. The Bats resemble the terrestrial Insectivora in their cerebralsurface, as do also the smaller Rodents. In some of the largerones, Agouti, e. g. (vol. ii. p. 270, fig. 146), the medilateralfold is better defined: but the Beaver shows no trace of this, although the hemispheres are broader anteriorly : they are moreexpanded here in the equally smooth cerebrum of the Porcu-pine, fig. 77. The Rodents show some variety in the shape of. 1 xx. no. 1323 h. 110 ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATES. the cerebrum. In the Leporidce, fig. 79, a, it is lozenge-shaped, with the anterior borders longer, and converging to a narrower(though obtuse) apex, than the posterior ones. In the Pacasthe cerebrum is broader, with both ends more obtuse and larger, and the hinder third is broader. In Castor, fig. 78, it pre-sents a full ovate figure. InHystrix, fig. 77, it is subquadrate, through increasing breadth of thefore part. On the medial surfaceof the hemisphere the s hippocampalfissure is confined to the hinderhalf; the callosal fissure is super-added, commencing at the e sple-nium or posterior genu of thegreat commissure, and runningalong its upper surface to the an-terior genu; it is shallow, but nowdefines the true f labium cerebri.On the under surface the ectorhinalfissure, figs. 83 and 84, 2, has thesame extent as in the Wombat; itUpper surface of the brain of the Porcupine, diverges, as