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9th All Sokol Rally in Prague 1932. A rally to promoting public exercise as a way to stimulate national self importance (through organised gymnastic and athletic demonstrations - usually mass-participation). The Sokol (which translates as 'Falcon') arose as the first Czech Gymnastic organisation in the 1860s. Between the First and Second World Wars the organisation grew to have a million members. The Sokol programmes were organised to have mass appeal across all strata of Czech society and across all age groups. Miroslav Tyrs (1832 -1884) was a key exponent of this approach and is duly being honoured by the ranks of passing Sokol participants. Tyrs believed that a nation must be physically fit, morally on a high plane and intelligent in order to secure independence and retain it. Elevated to Doctor of Philosophy at Charles University and a member of the Education Staff of Rieger’s Encyclopedia, Tyrs formulated his Sokol plan, creating an entirely new gymnastic terminology. The next twenty years of his life were devoted to Sokol. He was the first Physical Director, editor of the Sokol paper and creator of calisthenics and exercises, placing the whole system on a firm scientific basis. Women participants
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