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YAMAHA TESSERACT TO BE UNVEILED The Yamaha Tesseract special edition motorcycle is just one of the vehicles to be unveiled by the motor group at this year's Tokyo Motor Show. This is a hybrid 4-wheeled vehicle powered by a combination of a liquid-cooled V-twin gasoline engine and an electric motor. It is also designed with a unique dual-scythe suspension that enables cornering with a lean (banking) like a motorcycle despite the 4-wheel format. There is also a dual arm-lock system that keeps the machine upright when at rest without a stand. It offers excellent performance and manoeuvrability with a machine width roughly equivalent to that of a 2-wheeler. If you like riding the motorbikes, and need an excuse to travel to the land of the rising sun, look no further than Yamaha's Tesseract motorcycle that will debut at the Tokyo Motor Show. It's not a car, and don't confuse it with an all-terrain vehicle; it's a hybrid that should put those other alternative cycles to shame. The added kick isn't just the two additional wheels, but the V-Twin engine and electric motor as well as the mechanism that keeps the Tesseract upright when stopped or parked. The Yamaha Tesseract is just a concept car for now, but if it's well received, expect it to go into production.(CRB WN) Worldwide - October 2007
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