Plantago lanceolata, Plantain, Ribwort, Green, Grey, Perennial, Weed, Summer Flowering, Wild flower, Herb, Edible, Medicinal uses, Europe indigenous, Asia indigenous, Frost hardy, Plant, English Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Aerial View, Beauty in Nature, Botany, Colour, Contemporary, Creative, Environmental Issues, Foliage, Growth, Independence, Nature Reclaiming, Outdoor, Pattern, Small Size, Strength, Striking, Structural, Flora, Color, Ingredient, Nutritious, Eatable, Culinary, Leaves, Vegetation, Greenery, Herbal, Alternative medicine, Alternative therapy, Medicine, Therapy, Complementary medicine, Holistic, Natural medicine, Unconventional medicine, Medicinal qualities, Wellbeing, Healing, Alternative treatment, Healthcare and medicine, Medicinal, Remedy, Treatment, Outside, Open-air, Out-of-doors, Design, Repeat, Full frame, Background, Yearly, Wildflower, Bold, Modern, Development, Advancement, Progress, Maturing, Growing, Liberty, Freedom, Free, Power, Robust, Tough, Environmental issue, Survival, Survival of the fittest, Struggle, Endurance, Reclaim, Structure,