Tthe Frank and Ellen Remai Arts Centre and Remai Modern Art Gallery of Saskatchewan (under construction) in Saskatoon, Canada. Pictured in the foreground is the LED light art installation, "Prairie Wind". *** Frank & Ellen Remai Arts Centre is a performing arts centre in the River Landing area of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The centre is owned by and the main venue for the Persephone Theatre. Constructed in 2007 at a cost of $11 Million Canadian, the main theatre seats 450, with a second smaller 100 seat theatre and other supporting facilities and workshops that make up the centre. Remai Modern Art Gallery of Saskatchewan, a new $80.2-million[2] public art museum, is set to open adjacent to the Remai Arts Centre in 2016. The 11, 582-square-metre museum, plus $19.5-million underground parkade, will replace the existing Mendel Art Gallery. *** Description partially sourced from Wikipedia.
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