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A magnitude 8.2 Mw earthquake on May 16, 1968 off the coast of Honshu Island caused destruction in Japan and generated a tsunami that was observed by tide gauges in Japan and throughout the Pacific Basin. As a result of the earthquake and tsunami, 52 people died and 329 people were injured; 676 homes were completely destroyed and 2, 994 homes were partially destroyed; 13 homes burned down and 529 homes were flooded; 97 ships were washed away and 30 were sunk. In addition, roads, bridges and protective dikes were destroyed. Map generated using Tsunami Travel Time (TTT) software: calculates first-arrival travel times on a grid for a tsunami generated at an earthquake epicenter. Map contours: 1 hour intervals: red 1-4 hour arrival times, yellow: 5-6 hour arrival times, green: 7-14 hour arrival times, blue: 15-21 hour arrival times. Maps were generated from earthquake epicenters in the NGDC Global Historical Tsunami Database using NGDC 2 Minute Gridded Global Relief Data bathymetry. Maps do not provide the height or the strength of the wave, only the arrival times.