Stiefel hängenden Oberleitung - Vertretung der "territorialen" Konzept von Drogen, Drogenhandel Rasen, und damit verbundene sucht, gangland, Schuhputzmaschine werfen
4000 x 6000 px | 33,9 x 50,8 cm | 13,3 x 20 inches | 300dpi
Weitere Informationen:
Although the appearance of training shoes dangling from telephone wires ('shoe tossing') may be nothing more than evidence of hapless kids being bullied by their school peers, there are suggestions in urban gangland / drug culture that hanging shoes send a message to those walking the streets below: - As a warning sign from gangs and drug pushers to rivals to keep off their territory / manor / patch and stay away - That there is a gang operating in the area and the shoes identify 'their area' - That dealers of the crack and skunk operate in the area Urban legend also suggests the hanging shoes announce that a local gang member or leader / boss has been killed or died, while another interpretation is that the shoes represent a threat to the shoe owner, signifying that he’s a "dead man.” Another version of the urban myth says there is a drug dealer at the other end of the cable over which the boots are hung, although such a specifically placed advertisement hardly seems likely.
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