Sängerin und Schauspielerin Madonna bei der UK Charity Premiere von John Schlesingers "The Next Best Thing" im Odeon West End am Londoner Leicester Square. *28/11/2000 op Superstar Madonna kämpfte vor ihrer ersten UK Show in acht Jahren am Dienstag, den 28 2000. November, mit Last-Minute-Nerven - und sie hat verraten, dass es ein Vorgeschmack auf eine Welttournee sein wird. Die Sängerin sagte Radio 1 DJ Sara Cox auf ihrer Breakfast Show, dass sie geplant, ihre Show auf der Straße im nächsten Sommer zu nehmen. Madonna spielte vor einer ausgewählten Menge von 3,000 Personen in der Brixton Academy in London, für die Tickets sollen die Hände zu wechseln
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Singer and actress Madonna arriving for the UK Charity Premiere of John Schlesinger's "The Next Best Thing" at the Odeon West End in London's Leicester Square. *28/11/2000 op superstar Madonna was fighting last-minute nerves before her first UK show in eight years Tuesday, November 28 2000 - and she has revealed it will be a taster for a world tour. The singer told Radio 1 DJ Sara Cox on her Breakfast Show that she planned to take her show on the road next summer. Madonna was playing to a select crowd of 3, 000 people at Brixton Academy in London for which tickets are said to be changing hands for four-figure sums. * 25/08/00: Madonna lodges a complaint with the United Nations in Geneva to gain control of the Internet domain name madonna.Com. She has asked the World Intellectual Property Organisation to order the handover of the site, which is owned by New Jersey entrepreneur Dan Parisi, who runs a successful pornography site. 28/8/2000: Madonna was enjoying the tenth number one single of her career just over two weeks after the birth of her second child. The success of the track, Music, moves her into music's elite, with only the Beatles, Elvis Presley and Cliff Richard hitting the top more times. 25/01/01: Madonna, along with and U2 has agreed to perform at the Grammy Awards, where they'll both be competing for record of the year. The musicians are the first picked to perform during the ceremony on February 21 2001 in Los Angeles. British-based Madonna, a five-time Grammy winner, is nominated this year for female pop vocal performance and best record for the song Music. She is also nominated for best pop vocal album. Irish band U2, which has won seven Grammys, is nominated for best record and best song for Beautiful Day. *28/02/02 Singer and actress Madonna arriving for the UK Charity Premiere 'The Next Best Thing' at the Odeon West End in London's Leicester Square. It was reported, Thursday February 28, 2002, that Madonna is to make her West End stage ...
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