Marigold, Calendula officinalis, Close side view of one yellow orange flower with raindrops, 1, Alternative medicine, Alternative therapy, Alternative treatment, Annual, Beauty in Nature, Bloom, Botany, Calendula officinalis, Close-up, Complementary medicine, Cosmetic and skincare uses, Cottage garden plant, Crops, Culinary, Culinary uses, Eatable, Edible, Flavor, Flavour, Flower, Flowering, Flowers, Frost hardy, Green, Growing, Harvest, Healing, Healthcare and medicine, Herb, Herbal, Holistic, Homeopathic uses, Individual, Ingredient, Low maintenance, Marigold, Medicinal, Medicinal qualities, Medicinal uses, Medicine, Natural medicine, Not invasive, Nutritious, One year lifespan, Open-air, Out-of-doors, Outdoor, Outside, Pest tolerant, Petals, Plant, Pot Marigold, Remedy, Single, Singular, Sole, Solo, South Europe indigenous, Summer Flowering, Summer flowers, Sustainable plant, Therapy, Treatment, Unconventional medicine, Water, Wellbeing, Wild flower, Wildflower, Yellow