Porträts von Straßenkünstlern von The Kathputli Kolonie Kathputli ist als die größte Gemeinde der Straßenkünstler in der Welt einzigartig. Obwohl die Kolonie befindet sich in Shadipur Depot von Delhi, nur 6,5 Hektar umfasst nennen rund 3000 Rajasthani Familien es nach Hause. Zauberer, Schlangenbeschwörer, Akrobaten, Sänger, Tänzer, Schauspieler, Musiker traditionelle Heiler und die berühmten Puppenspieler Darsteller der Gegend ihren Namen gab. Die bürgerliche Körper, der besitzt das Land, die Delhi Development Authority (DDA), kündigten kontrovers, diesen besonderen Ort zu zerstören, um Luxus f zu bauen
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Portraits of Street Performers of The Kathputli Colony Kathputli is unique as the largest community of street performers in the world. Although the colony, located in the Shadipur Depot area of Delhi, only covers 6.5 acres some 3000 Rajasthani families call it home. Magicians, snake charmers, acrobats, singers, dancers, actors, traditional healers musicians and the famous puppeteer performers which gave the area its name. The civic body who owns the land, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA), controversially announced their intention to demolish this special place in order to build luxury flats and shops. UK based photographer, Mark Leaver was so moved by the news he decided to travel to Delhi - living with the community and discovering what makes them so special. To raise awareness of their plight, Leaver has launched a series of formal portraits of the key performers, artists and families in Kathputli. All these people face eviction within the next year if the redevelopment plans continue. Tradition is of vital importance in this culture. Each artist and performer has inherited skills passed from generation to generation. Kathputli Colony don’t learn their trades at school, they learn from their parents. The sons will do what their father do, and the fathers do what their fathers taught them. Named after the Hindi term for centuries-old string puppets, the colony started out in the 1950s as a cluster of makeshift tents which housed puppeteers from Rajasthan. Over the years other performers arrived from all corners of India and began to develop the slum into what it is today. The slum was in a prime location so the performers could easily travel to central Delhi on a daily basis to create an income. However, Delhi has expanded so rapidly that the slum is now right in the heart of New Delhi and walking distance to the newly developed metro lines and 15 minutes away from the business district. This makes the land the colony has settled on highly valued, estimate
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