three-quarter length, blonde hair, sportswear, single person, blond hair, bright color, woman only, multicolour, studio image, studioshot, latex glove, cranky, looking sideways, house work, youngster, blue color, 20-30 years old, bright colour, brightness, multicolored, looking at, portraiture, 20 something, bluish, casual clothes, young adult women, twenties, Multi Colour, yellowish, young adult woman, cleanup, blue jean, 20's, multi-color, green colour, standing up, vivid color, vibrant colors, purple color, partial, select focus, greenish, multi-colored, human being, twenty something, tuque, blue colour, color blue, yellow color, 20s adult, bad temper, vibrant colours, violet color, housecleaning, lavender colour, fair hair, fair haired, model released, multi coloured, looking aside, model release, fair-hair, fair-haired, Federal Republic of Germany, fedup, fed-up, grasping, differential focus, early 20s, crankiness, colour blue, colour green, colour intensity, colour yellow, lilac color, lilac colour, household chore, human female, house chore, violet colour, vibrant colour, twenty-something, vacant stare, varied color, varied colour, surly, three quarter image, Three Quarter Length Posture, three quarters view, selective-focus, selectively focused, selectively focussed, somebody, someone, purple colour, purplish, Radius Images, rubber-glove, multi-colour, multicoloured, multi-coloured, vivid colour, white ethnicity, bad tempered, blank looks, aggravate, aggravated, aggravating, aloneness, blue-collar worker, 20 to 24 year old, 20 to 29 years, 20 to 30, 20 to 30 year, 20 to 30 year old, 20 to 30 years, 20 to 30 years old, 20-24 year old, 20-30 year, 20-30 years, 20 - 24 years, 20 - 24 years old, 20 -24 years, color green, color intensity, color yellow, cleaning supply, Caucasian appearance, yellow colour, young women only