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Father Knickerbocker's fight for a sensible Sunday law. Illustration shows Father Knickerbocker, a symbolic figure for New York City, wearing boxing gloves labeled Tolerance and Common Sense, in a boxing ring, standing over the knocked-out Tammany Tiger and facing two men wearing boxing gloves, one labeled Hayseed Legislator (bearing a resemblence to Uncle Sam) and the other labeled Temperance Fanatic, neither looks capable of going a round with Father Knickerbocker. Date 1901 November 27. Father Knickerbocker's fight for a sensible Sunday law. Illustration shows Father Knickerbocker, a symbolic figure for New York City, wearing boxing gloves labeled Tolerance and Common Sense, in a boxing ring, standing over the knocked-out Tammany Tiger and facing two men wearing boxing gloves, one labeled Hayseed Legislator (bearing a resemblence to Uncle Sam) and the other labeled Temperance Fanatic, neither looks capable of going a round with Father Knickerbocker. Date 1901 November 27. Date:
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