adult woman, casual dress, gray hair, portraiture, bike lane, gladness, joyous, retiring, sixty, delighted, amuse, day time, 50-60 years, 60 years old, casual clothes, amused, adult only, bicyclist, transporting, toothy smile, delightful, 50-60 years old, 60-65 years, adult men, daytime, facing camera, casual clothing, adult women, pleasing, recreational, model released, middle-aged, looking at the camera, somebody, bicycle path, casual attire, grinning, adult female, adult man, 50-55 years old, 50-55 years, 60 year old, getting in shape, fifty year old, someone, vigour, work-out, mid-life, mid life, liveliness, parkland, physically fit, recreational activity, hubby, mid-adult, middle-age, mid adult, weekend activity, good shape, enjoyable, Caucasian appearance, 55-60 years old, 55-60 year old, age 50-55, actively, 65-70, 65-70 year old, 50-55 year old, 50 year, 50-55, 50 something, 60 something, 60 to 65, 60 to 65 year, 60 to 65 year old, 60 to 65 years, 60 to 65 years old, 60 to 69 years, 60 to 70, 60 to 70 year, 60 to 70 year old, 60 to 70 years, 60 to 70 years old, 50-60 year, 55 to 60 year, 55 to 60 years, 55-60, 55-60 year, 50 to 55 year, 50 to 55 years, 50 to 59 years, 50 to 60, 50 to 60 year, 50 to 60 year old, 50 to 60 years, 50 to 60 years olds, 50-55 year, 65-70 years, 65-70 years old, 65-70 year, age 55-60, age 60-65, age 65-70, 55-60 years, 60-65, 60-65 year, 65 to 70, 65 to 70 year, 65 to 70 year old, 65 to 70 years, 65 to 70 years old, 60-70 year, 60-70 years, 60-70 years old, fifty something, fifty years old, gleeful, seniors only, sixty something, sixty year old, sixty years old, summer-time, summery, weekend activities, middleaged, healthiness, in good shape, life-style, pleasurable, Radius Images, model release