20-25 years, young adult women, young adult woman, joyous, Sea or Ocean, girl friend, cuddly, embraced, romancing, snuggling, NA, oceanic, brunet, grinning, coastal scene, chuckle, 20-29 years old, 25-30 year old, 25-30 year olds, blank space, model released, North American, Ocean or Sea, Latin American people, Latin-American, space for copy, young adult man, young adult men, U.S.A., seaboard, romantically, Radius Images, Latin American and Hispanic, model release, cheerfulness, coast area, coast region, coastal area, coastal feature, 25 to 30 years, 25 to 30 years old, 25-29 year old, 25-29 years old, 25-29-years, 25-30, 20-30 years, 20-29, 20-25 year olds, 20 to 24 year old, 20 to 29 years, 20 to 30 years, 20 to 30 years old, 20-24 year old, 20-24 years old, Chuckling, early 20s, coastal scenery, coastal scenic, coastal view, color picture, day time, Hispanic ethnicity, human female, human male, in-love