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Ryanair's chief executive Michael O'Leary appears pleased with the interim results for his airline announced in central London. During the period to the end of last December, the Irish-owned carrier recorded its highest passenger traffic totals and profit growth. * 03/06/03 : Michael O Leary, chief executive of the low-cost airline Ryanair, which has announced an after-tax profit of 239.4 million euros (about 172 million) in 2002-03, up 59% on the 2001-02 figure of 150.4 million euros (about 108 million). Passenger traffic in 2002-03 grew by 42% to 15.7 million and the airline's planes were 84% full compared with a figure of 81% in 2001-02. 03/02/04: Michael O'Leary, chief executive of the low fares airline Ryanair, which will hear later, whether it has to pay back millions of pounds in subsidies it was given by Charleroi airport in Belgium. The European Commission has been investigating whether such aid can be allowed to continue when it only applies to one airline and therefore gives Ryanair an unfair advantage over rivals.
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