blue skies, blond hair, plus sized, 2 people, forty, getting married, 50-60, plus size model, 40 years old, mature adult couple, adult woman, 40 years, bridal dress, matrimony, Occasion, wed, 40 something, stout, whole body, 40's, adult women, 50-60 years, bridal gown, daytime, matured, forties, middle-aged, relate, standing up, formalwear, frontal view, formal attire, formal clothes, daylight, 40-50 years, 50 year, 40 year, 50 something, fifty years old, festivities, festivity, Grown ups, head on, human being, mature adult woman, man's suit, special occassion, relating, mid life, wives, model released, middle-age, middleaged, plus-size, plus-size model, special ocasion, mature adult women, heavy people, full-body, full-length, fair haired, fifty something, formal clothing, forty something, 40-50 years old, cloudless, fair hair, entire body, evening clothes, day time, day-time, Caucasian appearance, 50-60 year, 50 to 59 years, 50 to 60, 50 to 60 year, 50 to 60 year old, 50 to 60 years, 50 to 60 years olds, 40-50 year, 40 to 50 year old, 40 to 50 years, 40 to 50 years old, fortyish, fortysomething, formally dressed, fifty year old, fair-hair, fair-haired, hubby, head-on, human female, human male, mature adult man, mature adult men, special ocassion, relational, somebody, someone, Radius Images, mid-life, model release, straight on, straight-on, white ethnicity, 40 to 49 years, 40 to 50, 40 to 50 year