Heli-kit is a respiratory test that enables to screen the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the patient. Helicobacter pylori infects the gastric mucosa and can cause peptic ulcers, gastrides and cancers of the stomach. The principle of the test relies on the fact that Helicobacter pylori has the property to transform the uree into ammoniac and carbon dioxide. The kit Heli-kit contains a flask of marked urea (C13), a small bag of citric acid, 4 tubes for the sampling (2 blue witness tubes T0 and 2 orange screening tubes T30) and 2 straws to blow. In a first moment the citric acid is disolved into the water and the patient drinks this solution. Then he blows with the straw in the 2 witness tubes T0. In a secnd moment the marked urea is disolved in some water and is ingested by the patient. Then 30 minutes after the ingestion of this solution he blows in the 2 screening tubes T30. The gaz expired contained in the tubes is analysed in order to detect the presence or not of the marked CO2. The patient buys the test at the chemist's shop and passes the test in a laboratory of analysis. Here we can see the flask containing the marked urea and the blue and orange tubes.