Trinket Snake, Coelognathus helenus, is a non-venomous constrictor species of colubrid snake native to south Central Asia. Rostral a little broader than deep, visible from above; suture between the internasals much shorter than that between the prefrontals; frontal as long as its distance from the end of the snout, shorter than the parietals; loreal somewhat longer than deep, one large preocular, two postoculars, temporals 2+2 or 2+3: 9 exceptionally 10 or 11 upper labials, 5 or 6 lower labials in contact with the anterior chin-shields, which are as long as or a little longer than the posterior. Scales in 23 to 27 rows, smooth, or feebly keeled on the posterior part of the body and on the tail. Ventrals 220-265, anal entire; subcaudals 75-94. Young pale brown above, with black cross bands, each enclosing four to six white ocelli, adult darker brown, with transverse series of squarish black spots, or with more or less distinct traces of the livery of the young, a vertical black streak below the eye, and an oblique one behind the eye, some specimens have a white, black-edged collar, others two black longitudinal streaks on the head; others, again, are intermediate in this respect. Lower parts yellowish, with or without a few small black spots, sometimes with a more or less distinct festooned marking on each side. Total length 4.5 feet, tail 10 inches. Distribution, Sind, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Southern India, Ceylon.
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