The surface coating on moths' eyes make them appear very dark, almost black. Because of this, predators find it difficult to spot them at night and in the moonlight. The Anti reflectance of moths eyes is caused by nanoscale surface protrusions. Scientists are using these properties to research thin film characteristics in the development of more efficient solar panels. Scientists are researching anti reflective coatings based on the nano structure of moth's eyes. Results could reduce the reflection from photovoltaic cells making them more efficient so producing more green energy. Moths use all available light in order to see in the dark. Their eyes are highly non reflective. This characteristic is being adopted to thin film technology that can be applied to solar cells. This helps to keep sunlight from being reflected, making solar cells work more efficiently. Also, researchers are using tiny particles of tungsten oxide and iron oxide in order to copy the way moths eyes gather light. This concept is being used in hydrogen fuel research technology.
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