„Fracking is stoppable“ Plakate, Plakate und Banner Angel Selmani bei der Frack Free Greater Manchester-Kundgebung und Lobby der Labour Party Conference in Manchester. Ein marsch von Piccadilly Gardens zur Demanaktion gegen den Klimawandel. Frack Free Greater Manchester erwartet, dass die Rallye Extinction Rebellion die größte Versammlung gegen Fracking in Großbritannien sein wird.
2400 x 3600 px | 20,3 x 30,5 cm | 8 x 12 inches | 300dpi
21. September 2014
Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester, UK
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Frack Free Greater Manchester’s rally and subsequent lobby of the Labour Party Conference in Manchester included a march from Piccadilly Gardens in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of people marching through New York, London and eight other major cities to demand action on Climate Change. Frack Free Greater Manchester it is expected the rally to be the largest gathering against fracking in the UK since the 1200 marched through the city on 9 March 2014. The rally started in Piccadilly Gardens and then proceeded through the city to Manchester Central, adjacent to the Labour Party Conference in the Midlands Hotel, with speeches from Natalie Bennett Leader of the Green Party and representatives of activist groups and Trade Unions opposed to fracking. Martin Porter of Frack Free Greater Manchester said “In the global battle against Climate Change fracking is the current front line. The people are a long way ahead of the politicians in recognizing how serious the problem. Politics in this country now consists of money speaking to power and vice versa. We want to bring democracy back into the fracking debate and make the party that in 1945 really was ‘the greenest government ever’ listen to the voters.” Protests are taking place in many countries to demand urgent action on climate change have kicked off, with over 2, 000 marches taking place around the world. The People's Climate March has been organised to call for action to curb carbon emissions ahead of the UN climate summit in New York next week.