21/ The Story of Johnny Look-in-the-Air a..As he trudg'd along to school, ..It was always Johnny's rule..To be looking at the sky..And the clouds that floated by;..But what just before him lay, ..In his way, ..Johnny never thought about;..So that every one cried outÑ.."Look at little Johnny there, ..Little Johnny Head-In-Air!"..Running just in Johnny's way, ..Came a little dog one day;..Johnny's eyes were still astray..Up on high, ..In the sky;..And he never heard them cry -.."Johnny, mind, the dog is nigh!"..What happens now?..Bump! Dump!..Down they fell, with such a thump, ..Dog and Johnnv in a lump!..They almost broke their bones..So hard they tumbled on the stones.