5433 x 4503 px | 46 x 38,1 cm | 18,1 x 15 inches | 300dpi
26. Februar 2013
Coignafearn, Glen Mazzern, Inverness-shire. Highland Region. Scotland. United Kingdom.
Weitere Informationen:
The Scottish mountain hare, Lepus timidus scoticus, is a subspecies of the mountain hare Lepus timidus and is native to the Highlands of Scotland. Although widespread throughout Scotland, they are typically more numerous in central and eastern Scotland and are strongly associated with the heather moorland that is managed for red grouse - where they likely benefit from habitat management and predator control aimed at improving grouse densities. Mountain hare populations on Scottish grouse moors can reach very high densities with up to 200 hares per square kilometre, and can show high amplitude regular fluctuations in density. Our research - based on the analysis of hunting records of the number of hares killed each year on individual sporting estates - suggests that around 50% of mountain hare populations are cyclic and show regular changes in density every 5-15 years. The reasons for these regular fluctuations remain unclear. Mountain hare populations are under threat from habitat loss, fragmentation, and local over-exploitation and are thought to have declined in numbers and range in Great Britain. Long-term climate change is likely to adversely influence the sub-arctic/alpine habitats favoured by mountain hares. Mountain hares are listed in Annex V of the EC Habitats Directive (1992), as a species 'of community interest Member States are therefore required to ensure the conservation status of mountain hares is maintained and that their populations are managed sustainably, and hares have recently been designated a UK Biodiversity Action Plan Species