David Miliband, Staatsminister für Schulstandards, spricht auf der Nordenglischen Bildungskonferenz 2003 in Warrington. * Ansprache an die Konferenz Miliband sagte: Wir treffen uns heute zu einer besonderen Zeit - eine besondere Zeit für die öffentlichen Dienste, und eine besondere Zeit für die Nordengland-Konferenz. In den 100 Jahren dieser Konferenz wurden viele Themen diskutiert. Ein Thema sticht heraus: Service, und speziell Service für die Öffentlichkeit. Deshalb sollten wir heute innehalten, um den Grund zu grüßen, warum Sie hier sind - der ganzen Gemeinschaft zu dienen. 10/08/2003: David Miliband, Staatsminister für Schule
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David Miliband, Minister of State for School Standards, speaking at the 2003 North of England Education Conference in Warrington. * Addressing the Conference Miliband said: We meet today at a special time - a special time for public services, and a special time for the North of England Conference. There have been many issues debated during the 100 years of this conference. One theme stands out: service, and specifically service to the public. So today we should pause to salute the reason you are here - serving the whole community. 10/08/2003: David Miliband, Minister of State for School Standards, who in an article written for PA News published Sunday August 10 2003, spoke about how we treat the achievements of thousands of A-Level and GCSE candidates who will receive their results over the next 10 days. 27/12/03: Schools Standards Minister David Miliband. The need for more foreign language teachers in primary schools has spurred the Government to increase the number of training places it will fund next year by more than 1, 000 above its original plan, figures showed. There will be room for more than 41, 000 trainees in universities, colleges and schools in 2004-5, said Miliband. 12/02/2004: The Government was giving details today, Thursday February 12, 2004, of how money for rebuilding state schools in England has been allocated. About 180 schools in 14 local education authorities were expected to be in the 'first wave' of a multi-billion pound investment programme which was announced in 2002. School standards minister David Miliband was also unveiling 'exemplar' designs by leading architects for schools to adapt as needed, which the Government commissioned via a competition last year. 23/03/04: Moves to ensure that the Billy Elliots of the future can stay close to their roots during long years of training were announced by the Government. A network of dance training centres is to be created over the next few years, with the first scheduled to open in Se...
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