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CZ 75 SP-01 PHANTOM, Standard size duty and defence pistol, with polymer frame, cal. 9 mm Luger, 9x21, 9x19, wih tactical light and ammunition. Pictured is wrong, dangerous, handgun manipulation, with finger on a firing button/trigger. Production of small arms in Ceska zbrojovka a.s, Uhersky Brod (CZUB) firearms factory in Uhersky Brod, Czech Republic. CZUB company, established in 1936, ranks amongst traditional Czech manufacturers of small arms. Ceska zbrojovka produces military small arms like machine guns and pistols and makes also weapons for both sports and hunting shooting. Nowadays the company represents one of the biggest small arms producers n the world that exports it's production to about 100 countries worldwide. The plant produces beside military firearms also pistols, rifles, rimfire rifles, shotguns and air guns. Since 2005 renowned Dan Wesson pistols producing company is part of Ceska zbrojovka portfolio. (CTK Photo/Rene Fluger)
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