Condolizza Rice fuhr auf erklären, dass die Notwendigkeit für eine Lösung nahe, war beschreibt ihre Begegnung Preisgabe der Ungeduld des kenianischen Volkes: "Dies ist eine Krise, die bald enden muss. Es muss eine totale Verzicht auf Gewalt als eine Option, eine Ablehnung in irgendeiner Weise, die das Leben kostete
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Condolizza Rice went onto explain that the need for a resolution was near, describing her meeting divulging the Impatience of the Kenyan People: “This is a crisis that needs to end soon. There needs to be a total renunciation of violence as a an option, a refusal in any fashion that took the lives of so many innocent Kenyans, that is first and foremost….The most important plank on any platform to move forward. Secondly there needs to be an agreement that the parties are going to allow an electoral truth to be found, which means they set up a commission that can look into what happened in the elections which was clearly not a good day for Kenyan democracy. Although Kenyans obviously tried to exercise their democratic rights and we congratulate them for having done so. There does need to be an understanding and an accounting for what happened in the elections. Third there needs to be a way to govern Kenya now and that is going to require political compromise on the part of the major the parties so that Kenya can move forward. Then finally there need to be as there was supposed to be over the last couple of years, constitutional reform, electoral reform and a number of other reforms that really need to be made so that this country has a firm foundation for democracy moving forward. That is really what is meant by returning to the democratic path………”
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