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Education and Skills Secretary Estelle Morris speaks at the Labour Party's Local Government and Women's Conference in Cardiff . * 04/02/02 The Government is on its way to meeting its pledge to create. Critics of the policy of giving some schools extra money to develop expertise in fields such as sport or the arts claim it is restoring the grammar-secondary modern divide in state education. *30/03/02 Education and Skills Secretary Estelle Morris speaks at the Labour Party's Local Government and Women's Conference in Cardiff . : Education Secretary Estelle Morris was today, Saturday 30th March 2002, heading for a public showdown with teachers over their threat to take industrial action over pay and conditions. But leaders of the National Union of Teachers said she would only get a rough ride from delegates at its annual conference if she deliberately tried to pick a fight with them. She was set to warn the union that it risked damaging children's education and the profession's reputation if it went ahead with any more strikes over cost-of-living allowances, or imposed a 35-hour week. But her tough stance looked certain to anger both the far left and moderate wings of the union when she addressed their 130th annual get-together which was beginning today in Bournemouth. *03/04/02 Education and Skills Secretary Estelle Morris speaks at the Labour Party's Local Government and Women's Conference in Cardiff. More than half a million teachers were today, Wednesday 3rd April 2002, expected to call for a maximum 35-hour week as their campaign for a lighter work load intensifies. Plans to hold ballots on industrial action to impose the limit unilaterally if the Government fails to meet their demands were likely to be agreed by the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers. Already this Easter, the National Union of Teachers, representing 220, 000 teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, with a membership of 160, 000, have voted in favo...
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