Austritt von Flüssigkeit ins Eisenbahntunnel nach starkem Regen Wasser. Spezielle Drainagen entfernen dieses Wasser so dass Züge in Sicherheit ermöglichen.
3302 x 3302 px | 28 x 28 cm | 11 x 11 inches | 300dpi
26. November 2000
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The Victorians left a fine legacy of transport infrastructure for the benefit of future generations but much investment is urgently needed to carry out repair, upgrading, modernisation and replacement. Although railwaymen call it the 'permanent way', in reality our railway infrastructure is anything but permanent. The rigours of the British weather, combined with the daily pounding by an ever-increasing number of trains ensures that, without regular maintenance, the railway would be unable to cope with the ever-increasing pressures exerted on the system. An efficient and integrated transportation system is essential for any developed or developing country. Transport drives productivity, improves the quality of life and, carefully planned, is good for the environment. An affordable, sustainable passenger and freight railway service is a vital component of a nation’s economic success. Railways are the safest form of mass transportation. Each day, the UK rail network carries around 22, 000 trains, many are full to capacity and the demand is predicted to grow by 30% in the next decade. It is essential to get more passengers onto an already crowded railway. The system receives a daily pounding from an ever-increasing number of faster and heavier trains and it's no surprise that a huge amount of the rail system needs to be upgraded or replaced to ensure a reliable, efficient and safe system. Unfortunately, for reasons of safety, major works must take place during prolonged 'possessions' or ‘blockades’ when the trains are stopped and the contractors can carry out their essential replacement programmes unimpeded. Skilled rail contractors using sophisticated machinery are utilised to speed the upgrade programme as much as possible.