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Painting by George Catlin of an Assiniboine man named Wi-j̼n-jon or "Pigeon's Egg Head, " in traditional dress, 1831. Catlin first painted Wi-j̼n-jon as the he was en route to Washington; the painter recalled that he appeared for his portrait sitting "plumed and tinted [ ... ] dressed in his native costume, which was classic and exceedingly beautiful." Wi-j̼n-jon returned home to the northern Plains eighteen months later a decidedly different man -- dressed apparently in a "general's" uniform and sharing what to his fellow tribesmen were astonishing accounts of the white man's cities. They eventually rejected his stories as "ingenious fabrication of novelty and wonder, " and his persistence in telling such "lies" eventually led to his murder. For Catlin's rendering of Wi-j̼n-jon in uniform, see image BV9983.