Aloe dichotoma, Quiver tree, Tree, Succulent, Evergreen, Desert plant, Drought resistant, Unusual plant, Winter Flowering, Drought resistant, Frost tender, Wild plant, South Africa indigenous, Houseplant, Plant, Kokerboom, Front View, Outdoor, Horizontal Orientation, Growing, Nobody, One, Drought, Daytime, Creative, Colour, Sky, Beauty in nature, Resilient, Alone, Color, Facing front, Facing forward, Indoor plant, No one, Single, Singular, Individual, 1, Solo, Sole, Outside, Open air, Out of doors, Apart, By itself, Solitary, Isolated, Lone, Solitary, Endure, Endurance, Persistent, Persistence, Determination, Adversity, Survival, Against the odds, Cracked, Cracked earth, Dried, Dried up, Dry, Arid, Parched, Water shortage, Water conservation, Drought tolerant plant, Drought adapted plant, Low water use, Winter flowers,