1968 - Rückkehr aus ihren Arbeitstag schleppen Teak protokolliert, das Team von Elefanten ist Wathced von einem Tempel von einem Mönch. Die meisten am Flussufer Wohnungen bauen auf Stillts wegen der Hochwassergefahr. "Jumbo" ist immer noch besser als der Traktor in der siamesischen Teak Wald, aber der Hund Flößer Froschmann Dieb in acht nehmen müssen. Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts Wissenschaft hat nicht noch eine bessere Hilfe für Thailands Teak-Holzindustrie als '' Jumbo'' zur Verfügung. Keine moderne Traktor kann weben so zart zwischen den Bäumen und drücken oder ziehen Sie die schweren Teak Protokolle bis zum Fluss, wo sie in riesige Flöße von bis zu 300 Protokolle gebunden sind, jeweils
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1968 - Returning from their day's work hauling teak logs, the team of elephants is wathced from a temple by a monk. Most riverside dwellings are built on stillts because of the flood danger. ''Jumbo'' is still superior to the tractor in the Siamese teak Forest but the Dog raftsmen have to beware of the Frogman thief. Twentieth century science still hasn't provided a better aid to Thailand's teak industry than ''Jumbo''. No modern tractor can weave so delicately between the trees and push or pull the heavy teak logs to the river where they are tied into huge rafts of up to 300 logs, each worth £3-400. But so valuable are the logs (a raft totals wood worth £40, 000) that today the danger is from thieves working in frogmen's suits who cut out a log underwater and float it away by night to cut-throat saw mills. Scores of loga~ are lost each season in this way from under the eyes of the raftsmen who live a float in huts built on the floating logs. Each log when put into the river is marked in waterproof paint and stamped by thalog man for identification. Thus a raft has a known content and thefts are ultimately discovered. To sail a huge log raft down river to Bangkok from the far north of Siam has taken as long as 5 years because of therapids. But more normal shorter journeys from the area where most wood comes take a few months, during the rainy season when the floods make the rivers high/ In 1957, 50, 000 logs went to Bangkok by water, each averaging 150 years in age. 60% go to Hong Kong. Scandinavia takes 30% and Japan 10%. Main uses are for yacht decking, furniture etc. THe Borneo Trading Company is the oldest company in the area, being more than 100 years old. The company sees no prospect of mechanisation, preferring its elephants for the work. Each cast has its own life history book revealing interesting statistics of age and size. SOme animals have been 'on the cards' for 60 years. They work a 5 day week and have a few weeks off during rainy periods. Wi
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