1962 - Glück bedeutet alles in Siam. In Thailand wird jeden toten König eine Gottheit. Nur wenige sind mehr als König Chulalongorn, der Musterschüler von Anna Leonowens, die Englisch-Lehrerin am Hof von König Mongkut respektiert. Seinem Schrein enthält ein Bild des toten Königs vor, die Leute kommen, um Angebote zu machen. Fotografie mit verboten. Die Siamesen haben eine ständige Suche nach Glück: charmante Thailanders sind große glaubt an Charme, obwohl der Buddhismus ist Staatsreligion von Thailand, es Precents viele einzigartige Funktionen, die es von Buddhismus in anderen Ländern unterscheiden. Seltsam genug, die meisten
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1962 - Luck means everything in Siam. In Thailand , every dead king becomes a diety. Few are more respected than King Chulalongorn, the apt pupil of Anna Leonowens , the English teacher at the court of King Mongkut . His shrine contains an image of the dead king before which people come to make offerings. Photography with in forbidden. The Siamese have a constant quest for luck: Charming Thailanders are great believes in charms, , , , , Although Buddhism is the national religion of Thailand, it precents many unique features which distinguish it from Buddhism in other countries. Oddly enough, most of the customs and ceremonies associated with it are of Hindu or Chinese origin. Most outstanding feature is the perpetual seeking for good luck which dominates the lives of millions of Siamese. Buddha condemns fortune- telling , and his philosophy makes no provision for those who expect something for nothing. It is for this reason that Hindu and Chinese beliefs have become a substitute for moral philosophy, and the constant endeavour to secure good luck as on ideal way of life. The fortune teller is ubiquitous in Thailand . But his poverty is inconsistant with his fortune telling , because it seems to have stood him in scant good stead. But this fact never seems to trouble the easy minded Siamese. Even ~ad Kings are luck bringers . Prople burn incense before their images, and plaster tiny pieces of gold leaf over their figures. Since most of the Siamese are more interested in good luck than in a moral way of life, temples now compete to attract the superstitious rather than the devout .Vast numbers of Buddhist monks cast horoscopes, tell fortunes and sell cure alls and bank the proceeds. Visitors to the country are intrigued by the luck charm worn by the people. From minister to beggar all wear charms from the neck. These vary in pattern but nearly all are supposed to have power which is increaded by their age. But in spite of the charms, and the fortune telling , the Siamese
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