. Sommer Touren, Saison 1910 .. Ich kann nur Resorts besuchen, aber ich will nicht in einem Hotel wohnen. Für diese Personen gibt es herrliche private Hütten in der unmittelbaren Nähe des Hotels, die voll ausgestattet und schön-voll eingerichtet für den Haushalt sind, wenn so gewünscht; Aber wenn die Bewohner es wünschen, können sie ihre Mahlzeiten im Hotel arrangieren. Es war üblich, diese Hütten etwa Juni ir) jedes Jahr und das Hotel richtig 25. Juni zu öffnen. Die Glades bieten bezaubernde Antriebe und Reitwege durch die Bergwälder, und somit ist eine geeignete Livebauung
2031 x 1231 px | 34,4 x 20,8 cm | 13,5 x 8,2 inches | 150dpi
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. Summer tours, season 1910 .. . y liomesand visit resorts, but are not desirous of living at a liotel. Forthese persons there are delightful private cottages in the imme-diate vicinity of the hotel, which are fully equipped and beauti-fully furnished for housekeeping, if so desired; but should theoccupants wish, they can arrange for their meals at the hotel.It has been customary to open these cottages about June ir)thof each year and the hotel proper June 25th. The Glades furnish enchanting drives and bridle pathsthrough the mountain forests, and consequently a suitable liveryestablishment is one of the features of Deer Park. Vehicles ofall kinds can be furnished, from a dog-cart to a tally-ho, andgood horses are available for either driving or riding. Accom-modations are provided for horses and veliicles brought by gueststo the park. There are excellent roads for motoring, tennis courtsand ball grounds. The golf course is a special feature. Morningand evening band concerts are part of the daily routine at thehotel.. TENNIS COURTS, DEER PARK. Notwithstanding Deer Park has its own individual attrac-tions, it is favored with the very Ijest transportation facilities, thelack of wliich is so often a detriment to a svmmier resort. It issituated on the main line of the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad, andis only eleven hours ride from Cincinnati or New York; eightand one-half hours from Philadelphia; six and one-quarter hoursfrom Baltimore; five and one-quarter hours from Washington;six hours from Pittsburg; eight and three-quarter hours fromColumbus; twenty-one hours from St. Louis, and eighteen andthree-quarter hours from Cliicago. From each of these citiesthrough Pullman sleeping cars land passengers at the hotel.The day trains have Pullman parlor cars and dining cars. 88 SUMMER EXCURSION ROUTES AND FARES. DEER PARK, MD. EXCURSION 1690. 1713 OR 1714. BHltlinore A Olilo K. K to Deer Park. Returuing, same route. THUOUGH FAUES. tAnuapolla Mil. $ 9.70 Baltimore Mil. 9.(M) Uella