. Schrift Naturgeschichte: Mit einer Beschreibung der Vierfüßler, Vögel, Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische, Insekten, Weichtiere, Korallen, Pflanzen, Bäume, Edelsteine, Und Metalle, in der Heiligen Schrift erwähnt . Institut für die sorgfältige Brut, Orsitting, von Vögeln praktiziert, obwohl einige von ihnen beobachten die Eier, um sie von Tieren zu schützen, wie Teichneumon und der Geier, das würde sonst entvour sie. DAS KROKODIL. {Leviathan.) Das Wort Leviathan, wie Giganten, wird aus dem Hebräischen ohne Übersetzung in unsere Bibeln eingeführt, außer in einer Passage, wo es b gewesen wäre
2454 x 1019 px | 41,6 x 17,3 cm | 16,4 x 6,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Scripture natural history: containing a description of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, amphibia, fishes, insects, molluscous animals, corals, plants, trees, precious stones, and metals, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures . bstitute for the careful incubation, orsitting, practised by birds, though some of them watchthe eggs to guard them from animals, such as theichneumon and the vulture, that would otherwise de-vour them. THE CROCODILE. {Leviathan.) The word leviathan, like behemoth, is introducedfrom the Hebrew into our Bibles without translation, except in one passage, where it would have been bet-ter retained, and is, indeed, given in the margin; Job 11 110 SCRIPTURE NATURAL HISTORY. hi. 8. For a long time it was supposed to mean thewhale, but is now generally admitted to be the croco-dile. This animal is the largest of the lizard tribe. Itabounds in various parts of Asia and Africa. Besidesthe crocodile, properly so called, there are two otherkinds closely allied to it, namely, the gavials, whichinhabit the Ganges, and other large rivers of India;and the alligators, or caymans, in America: but neitherof the three has been discovered in any part of Eu-rope or Australia. The crocodile is from twenty to. HEAD OF A CROCODILE, thirty feet in length. The feet are short, so as to bringthe body near the ground, but are moved by strongmuscles, and enable the animal to run with greatswiftness. The upper jaw, which is fixed, (contraryto the opinion of the ancients, ) has thirty-six, and thelower thirty, sharp, but strong and massy teeth. It isfurnished with a coat of mail, so scaly and hard as toresist the force of a musket ball in every part, exceptunder the belly. The ancient Egyptians employedthe eye of the crocodile as a hieroglyphic to denote therising of the sun; not that its eyes are remarkablybrilliant, but because they become first visible whenit rises above the water. In one part of Egypt it wasconsidered a sacred animal; it was ornamented aboutthe head and feet with