. Sammlung von US-Patenten erteilt Thomas A. Edison, 1869-1884 . ed, um alle Zeichen, und dass die anderen Teile vielleicht in Bezug auf einander in themost bequeme Positionen angeordnet. Die Papierzufuhr kann von jedem gewünschten Charakter sein. Ich behaupte als meine Erfindung – 1. Der Pulsator, der den Schaltkreis zum Druckmagneten I bildet und durchbricht, in Kombination mit dem Arm 15, Elektromagnet t, undVerbindungen zum Festhalten des Pulsators simulationsweise mit dem Stoppen des Typenrades, im wesentlichen wie dargelegt. 2. Ein elektrischer Stromkreis, der durch den Kontakt des Dreharms geschlossen wird
1279 x 1954 px | 21,7 x 33,1 cm | 8,5 x 13 inches | 150dpi
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. Collection of United States patents granted to Thomas A. Edison, 1869-1884 . ed to include allthe characters, and that the other parts maybe arranged in relation to each other in themost convenient positions. The paper-feedmay be of any desired character. I claim as my invention— 1. The pulsator, acting to make and breakthe circuit to the printing-magnet I, in combi-nation with the arm 15, electro-magnet t, andconnections for arresting the pulsator simulta-neously with the stopping of the type-wheel, substantially as set forth. 2. An electric circuit closed by the contactof the revolving arm 15 with the finger-keystop 14, in combination with the type-wheeland actuating mechanism, substantially asset forth. 3. The arm 19, moved by the escapement-lever on, and acting to close the circuit to theprinting-magnet q, in combination with thepulsator g, magnet t, and circuits, substantial-ly as set forth. Signed by me this 10th day of June, A. D.1872. T. A. EDISOK. Witnesses: Geo. T. Pinckney, Chas. II. Smith. T. A. EDISON.Improvement in Printing Telegraph Instruments.. * United States Patent Office. THOMAS A. EDISON, OF NEWARK, NEW JEESET.IMPROVEMENT IN PRINTING-TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 131, 341, dated September 17, 1872. To all loliom it may concern: Be it known that I, Thomas A. Edison, ofNewark, in the county of Essex and State ofNew Jersey, have invented an Improvementin Printing-Telegraphs, and the following isdeclared to be a correct description of thesame. Before my present invention the printing-lever magnet had been placed in the same cir-cuit as the type-wheel magnet, and the formerhad been i^revented from giving an impressioneach pulsation by a spring acting upon theprinting-lever; but unless the pulsations thatset the type-wheel lever were very rapid, theprinting-lever would be moved more or less.If the spring is under considerable tension, soas to prevent an impression until a pause oc-curs after the type-wheel has