. Robert Rambles [pseud.] Geschichten aus der Geschichte Englands, von der Eroberung bis zur Revolution ausgewählt. Kommen Sie nach Spanien, und die Christen wollten sie bekehren, oder sie ihre Religion ändern. So übernahmen sie die armen kleinen Kinder den jüdischen Frauen und lehrten sie die Pflichten und Gebote des Christentums. Das war sehr gütig, aber es war auch sehr grausam; denn obwohl es gut war, die kleinen Leute im Christentum in-struct, es war hart, sie weg von den Armen ihrer Mo-thers zu reißen, und so zerstören die natürlichen Affektionen ihres Herzens. Dann die Juden, die auf dem Chris-tia verehren werden
2123 x 1177 px | 35,9 x 19,9 cm | 14,2 x 7,8 inches | 150dpi
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. Robert Ramble's [pseud.] stories selected from the history of England, from the conquest to the revolution . come into Spain;and the Christians wished to convert them, ormake them change their religion. So they tookthe poor little children from the Jewish women, and taught them the duties and precepts ofChristianity. This was very kind, but it wasalso very cruel; for though it was good to in-struct the little folks in Christianity, it was hardto tear them away from the arms of their mo-thers, and thus destroy the natural affectionsof their heart. Then the Jews, to be revenged on the Chris-tians, carried on a long treaty with the Maho-medans, and encouraged them to come to Spain, which they said was a fine country, and theywere tired of professing a faith which in theirhearts they abhorred. For these wicked disbe-2 18 ANCIENT SPAIN. lieving Jews professed to be Clmstians, whilethey were secretly using every means to getthe Mahomedans engaged to murder the Chris-tians. But they were excited to this by thetreachery also of one Count Julian, —you shallread about all this in the next two stories.. The Alhambra, 2. THE SARACENS. THE Mahomedans, or Saracens, were the sol-diers of Mahomet; and Mahomet was an im-postor, who made the people of Arabia believethat he was a prophet appointed by Heaven toinstruct men in religion. Now here he waswrrong; for the Bible contains the true religion, and Jesus Christ the only Saviour between Godand man; therefore Mahomet was a false pro-phet. He had been clerk to a merchant; hismaster died; he married the widow, arid cameinto the business. Then he went away to adesert place for a long time, in a fit of enthu-siasm, and returned afterwards, pretending hehad received a new Bible from an angel. Sohe commenced preacher; and a great many peo-ple liking his doctrine, he formed them intoregiments, and put all to the sword who wouldnot believe; or, if he did not do that, he madethem pay a great deal of money for being al- (19) 20 THE SARACENS.