Reports (1929) Entdeckung berichten discoveryreports 01257540 inst Jahr: 1929 4 o 6 Entdeckung berichten die Angelegenheit so eng wie möglich zu prüfen. Zunächst muss darauf hingewiesen werden, dass für die Con-venience die Größe der Hoden durch eine Zahl, die durch die Multiplikation der Länge, Breite und Tiefe in cm gemessen, die dargestellt werden kann. Dies gibt eine grobe Annäherung an (eigentlich eher mehr als) die Lautstärke des Hodens in kubischen Zenti- meter. Die Größe des kleinsten Hoden eines Blauwals auf diese Weise aufgezeichnet wurde, 330 (Nr. 594) und ein Finnwal 300 (Nr. 705). Die größte Hoden
1914 x 1045 px | 32,4 x 17,7 cm | 12,8 x 7 inches | 150dpi
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Discovery reports (1929) Discovery reports discoveryreports01257540inst Year: 1929 4o6 DISCOVERY REPORTS to examine the matter as closely as possible. It should be explained first that for con- venience the size of the testis may be represented by a number obtained by multiplying together the length, breadth and depth measured in centimetres. This gives a rough approximation to (actually rather more than) the volume of the testis in cubic centi- metres. The size of the smallest testis of a Blue whale recorded in this way was 330 (No. 594) and of a Fin whale 300 (No. 705). The largest testes were of a Blue whale 58, 000 (No. 1331) and of a Fin whale 56, 000 (No. 51). As an accurate representation of the size of the testis is unnecessary a figure may be used giving the number of thousands of cubic centimetres in the approximate volume. Thus the largest Blue whale testis may be considered to measure 58, and the smallest 0-3. —- ' 2, 17 18 19 20 21 LENGTH OF WHALE IN METRES Fig. 139. Size of the testis in Blue whales of different lengths. As was to be expected, the size of the testis up to a point varies with the size of the whale, this being in part due to the fact that the former becomes much larger at the advent of sexual maturity. Fig. 139 shows the testes of 180 Blue whales plotted according to the size of the testis and the length of the whale. It will be seen that up to a length of about 23-5 m. there is a general tendency for the size of the testis to increase, but from 23-5 m. onwards it cannot be said that there is any correlation between its size and the length of the whale. The plotted points represent all the Blue whale testis measurements which have been taken (in large numbers of immature whales of course the testes were not examined) and are plotted therefore quite irrespec- tively of the time of year. It is to be supposed from Fig. 139 that during immaturity the testis increases its size ver}' slowly, but that when sexual maturity is reached (arou