3448 x 5231 px | 29,2 x 44,3 cm | 11,5 x 17,4 inches | 300dpi
28. Januar 2021
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Quyen is four. She has microcephalia. which means that her brain is smaller than a monkey’s. She cries, is hyperactive, then sleeps briefly, then cries again – in quick rotation, day and night. Quen’s father, Nyguyen Van Quach, 35, fought in the South and was sprayed many times with Agent Orange. During the war in Vietnam more than 18 million gallons of dioxin-laden Agent Orange and other herbicides were sprayed over ten per cent of South Vietnam between 1961 and 1971, poisoning and defoliating millions of hectares of forest and croplands. In Hanoi the chief surgeon and director of the Viet Duc Hospital, Dr Ton That Tung, raised the alarm that contamination by the dioxin in Agent Orange was causing birth defects, liver cancer, chloracne and other health problems. His research teams identified the cases in these images of families in villages in the north of Vietnam in June 1980 where the mother had never left the area and there was no history of birth defects in the family, but the father while on the Ho Chi Minh trail had been sprayed with the defoliant Agent Orange by American warplanes.
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