. QST. Gov. W illiam G. Stratton wird gezeigt, Unterzeichnung in lawthe Hill genehmigt Ausstellung von speziellen Call-Letter-Lizenzschilder an Amateure in Illinois. Zeuge des glückseligen Augenblicks sind Hon. Paul Zcmple, Ifoiisc von He[iresenta-tives; Rev. Anthonv !. Tamulis, W i) Lo.S; William F.Ingersoll, W 9bin; Ladd J. Smach, 9CVI); 1om G.Seese, W9LZ; Alex K. Scherer, Vt9EU; und Hon.Albert Scott, State Senator. Gov. George . Anführer führt den Stift in Pennsyl-vania. An den Zeremonien nahm GilbertL Teil. Crosslev, W3YA, Atlantic Division Director; Rep.Alhert S. Readinger; .lames F. Cochran, W 3MLY;W i
2083 x 1200 px | 35,3 x 20,3 cm | 13,9 x 8 inches | 150dpi
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. QST . Gov. W illiam G. Stratton is shown signing into lawthe hill authorizing issuance of special call-letter licenseplates to amateurs in Illinois. Witnessing the happymoment are Hon. Paul Zcmple, Ifoiisc of He[iresenta-tives; Rev. Anthonv !. Tamulis, W i)lO.S; William F.Ingersoll, W 9Bin; Ladd J. Smach, 9CVI); 1om G.Seese, W9LZ; Alex K. Scherer, Vt9EU; and Hon.Albert Scott, State Senator. Gov. George . Leader wields the pen in Pennsyl-vania. Participating in the ceremonies were GilbertL. Crosslev, W3YA, Atlantic Division Director; Rep.Alhert S. Readinger; .lames F. Cochran, W 3MLY;W illiam V. Burton, jr., W ;5ADF; Rep. Charles C. Smith;and .James F. Marx, W 3HN. W 3RSB served as chair-man of the committee hut was in the hospital when thebill was signed. 50 QST for CorrespondenceFrom Members- The publishers of QST assume no responsibility for statements made herein by correspondents.. KA STATIONS APO 343 San Francisco, Calif.Editor, QST: It has recently occurred to me that much misinformationexists regarding operation of amateur radio stations in theFar East. I am therefore taking the litjerty of writing thisletter in an effort to outline the operation of amateur radiostations by members of the United States Forces stationedin the Far East Command. As you undoubtedly know, immediately subsequent tocessation of hostilities in this theater, operation of amateurradio stations in .Japan and other portions of the theater wasauthorized by the Supreme Commander. These stationsoi)erated with the call sign prefix normally used by citizensof Japan (J.). When sovereign rights were restored to theGovernment of Japan, however, it was necessary that defi-nite agreements between the United States and Japan beexecuted. The specific agreement which permits operationin the amateur bands in Japan is outlined in the Telecom-munications-Electronics .greement supplementing the .Ad-min