P'T. V. Tischler Werbung Agent. Adresse im folgenden Feld 718 New York City. Für mechanische Zwecke angepasst. New York ASPRIALTE DACHPAPPE. American Oil Feeder. Die TANILTE CO.STROUDSBURG PA BOLZENSCHNEIDER HOWARD IRON WORKS BÜFFEL. N.Y. Die Tatsache, dass diese Abnehm nas 75 Prozent größer sind auch der einzige Hersteller der berühmten COL kation t Jones & LAUGHLINS 120 Water Street Pittsburgh PA. W die Bestände dieser Shafting im Laden und zum Verkauf von FULLER DANA & FITZ. Boston Mass. GEO. Ort & Co 126 Chambers Street NEW YORK MACIIINEFLY Stales und Mechanische Snuffles A. S. & J. GANG &C. Bügeleisen
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P' T. V. Carpenter Advertising Agent. Addres hereafter Box 718 New York city. Adapted to Mechanical Purposes. New York ASPRIALTE ROOFING FELT. American Oil Feeders. THE TANILTE CO. Stroudsburg Pa. BOLT CUTTER HOWARD IRON WORKS BUFFALO.N.Y. The fact that this Sliming nas 75 per cent greater are also the sole manufacturers of the CELEBRATED COL cation t JONES & LAUGHLINS 120 Water street Pittsburgh Pa. W Stocks of this Shafting in store and for sale by FULLER DANA & FITZ. Boston Mass. GEO. PLACE & CO. 126 Chambers street N.Y. MACIIINEFLY Stales and Mechanical Snuffles A. S. & J. GEAR & C. IRON STEAMSHIP BUILDERS. _YR WORKS MARINE ENGINES BOILERS. AND BUILD ERS OF COMPOUND ENGINES PHILADELPHIA PA. Asthma. STOWELL & CO. Charlestown Mass. THE BAND SA WI Its ORIGIN and C. J. Sandman. L. Jaffe. ported by the NEW YORK STONE WORKS. Send for circu lar. 98 BROADWAY New York. including Cornea Engines Slide Valve Stationary Engines For able Engines etc. Als Circu lar Saw Mills Shafting Pulleys etc. Wheat and Corn Mills Cir cular Saws etc. 'Send for Price List. WOOD & MANN Steam Engine Company iTEA4 ENGINES PRINCIPAL UFFICR-42Cortlandt St. New York. FIRST PREMIUM (MEDAL) AWARDED IN 1870 AND ASBESTOS. ASPHALTUM and GENERAL HOOFING MATERIALS. Packing and Felting for Machinery linings En for sale in any quantity by L. & J. W. FEUCHTWAN GER. Chemists & Importers No. 55 Cedar St. New York. THE PROPERTY OF THE brick building 40 by 60 four floors fitted with the neces coal house together with steam engine and boiler and a and a very large arid complete assortment of small tools cutters drills tape dies jigs etc. suit able f er the manu facture of any kind of machinery. The steam engine is thirty-five horse power low pressure manufactured by Hewes & Phillips of Newark tubular boiler and coating in fuel for the necessary power of running the fell shop more desirable than can be found in inland towns re machinery will be sold together or separately as may be desir ed by the purchaser. Ap